9 Awesome Tools to Help Your Twitter Game
With over 328 monthly active users on Twitter Game, it’s hard not to acknowledge the power and popularity of one of the world’s most prominent social media platforms. The microblogging trend has taken the internet by storm and it’s easy for…
Online Marketing Myths You Probably Believe
Marketing online is already incredibly difficult. Sure, you have the entirety of the internet to appeal to, but it also means that you’re competing against countless other online marketers. The internet is a vast place and standing out…
What Is People-Based Marketing?
Marketing is all about reaching people and all marketers want to find out how to reach the greatest amount of people with the smallest amount of effort. This often means sending the same generic message to hundreds, if not thousands, or…
Why People Share: The Psychology Behind Social Media
Social media has taken the internet by storm. There are 31.25 million Facebook messages, 347,222 tweets, 17,361 LinkedIn profile views, 48,611 Instagram pictures, and 300 hours of YouTube videos uploaded each minute. The internet is full of…
Manage Your Audience with MailChimp
The foundation of every great marketing campaign is a clean, reliable list of contacts who are engaged and have permitted you to contact them. MailChimp allows you to store and manage these lists and gives you the tools you need to grow…
Building a Successful Video Marketing Campaign
Videos have become an important tool in digital marketing. They are eye catching, finger-stopping, and engaging. People are much more likely to stop and watch an engaging video ad on Facebook, Twitter, or in the sidebar of a webpage than…
How To Optimize Score Keeping for Lead Conversion
If you want to be able to gauge how well your business is doing, looking at the results of your marketing efforts is one of the key things that will help you. This will provide you with valuable insights on the true performance of your…
How to: Reactivation Email Campaigns
Email marketing is a huge task for digital marketers. Emails are the way you communicate with people about company updates, sales, special offers, press releases, newsletters, and more.
It’s one thing to have a healthy subscriber list and…
Building Trust with Social Media
One thing that stands out today in the social media world we live in is that it’s important to develop a sense of trust with your followers. This is especially true for small and medium sized businesses, since the amount of trust between…
The Secret To Time, Money & Location Freedom
When we were growing up, our parents and teachers told us that if we wanted to be successful, we had to work hard and never cut corners.
They lied to us.
Have you ever noticed that there are a lot of people who work really hard and are…